This old adage is particularly true of ranch real estate. Often the best return on investment comes from finding a property that others overlook because of no roads or poor roads, no electricity, poor access, dry creek beds, or overgrown cedar and brush.
When we see a property like this we get excited, because these problems truly represent huge profit potential. Poor roads can be repaired to provide excellent access to the property while providing the owner a depreciable asset. Dry creek beds can be reworked and cleared of gravel and silt deposits to reveal beautiful water features that provide significant tax savings in the year the work is done. Overgrown cedar and brush can be cleared or burned to provide more water to other plants and open up the property for wildlife grazing, while providing tax savings and allowing for a wildlife exemption on property taxes.
Regardless of the property you buy, you will undoubtedly end up making repairs and improvements to make the property fit your lifestyle, especially if you are looking to improve the value and return on investment. At Texas Best Ranches we have been hands-on ranchers for over 40 years. No matter what repairs or improvements your property needs, we can point you in the right direction. And, if you’re looking for that ‘diamond in the rough’ property that you can buy and rework, we can help you there as well.